File IO

The previous chapter discussed the thread pool model, which gave readers a rough understanding of the process of asynchronous IO from initiation to completion.

The fs module also provides synchronous interfaces, such as readFileSync, which is rare in the core modules of node.js's asynchronous model.

Request Object

  • Asynchronous file reading interface definition: fs.readFile = function(path, options, callback_)

  • Synchronous file reading interface definition: fs.readFileSync = function(path, options)

The obvious difference between the two is the third parameter callback_. Asynchronous requests submit the request and wait for the callback, while synchronous requests block until they return.

Let's take a look at the impact of the third parameter on the implementation.

  // fs.js
  // ...
  var context = new ReadFileContext(callback, encoding);
  var req = new FSReqWrap();
  req.context = context;
  req.oncomplete = readFileAfterOpen;

In the implementation of asynchronous requests, a request object is created and the callback and context environment are bound to it. This request object is exported by C++ bindings.

FSReqWrap (node.js)

FSReqWrap is implemented and exported by src/ for use by JavaScript.

class FSReqWrap: public ReqWrap<uv_fs_t> {
  enum Ownership { COPY, MOVE };

  inline static FSReqWrap* New(Environment* env,
                               Local<Object> req,
                               const char* syscall,
                               const char* data = nullptr,
                               Ownership ownership = COPY);

  inline void Dispose();

FSReqWrap inherits from ReqWrap<uv_fs_t>, ReqWrap is a template class, T req_; stores requests of different types, and after template compilation, uv_fs_t req_; stores the uv_fs_t request object. This comes from a performance optimization submission.

fs: improve readFile performance

This commit improves readFile performance by reducing number of closure allocations and using FSReqWrap directly.

For more information, see

After the request is initiated in JavaScript, it will come to the C++ binding layer,

#define ASYNC_DEST_CALL(func, req, dest, ...)                                 \
  Environment* env = Environment::GetCurrent(args);                           \
  CHECK(req->IsObject());                                                     \
  FSReqWrap* req_wrap = FSReqWrap::New(env, req.As<Object>(), #func, dest);   \
  int err = uv_fs_ ## func(env->event_loop(),                                 \
                           &req_wrap->req_,                                   \
                           __VA_ARGS__,                                       \
                           After);                                            \
  req_wrap->Dispatched();                                                     \
  if (err < 0) {                                                              \
    uv_fs_t* uv_req = &req_wrap->req_;                                        \
    uv_req->result = err;                                                     \
    uv_req->path = nullptr;                                                   \
    After(uv_req);                                                            \
    req_wrap = nullptr;                                                       \
  } else {                                                                    \
    args.GetReturnValue().Set(req_wrap->persistent());                        \

#define ASYNC_CALL(func, req, ...)                                            \
  ASYNC_DEST_CALL(func, req, nullptr, __VA_ARGS__)                            \

Here, the libuv request object required is generated, and for read requests, uv_fs_read is called to submit the request and specify the callback function as After.

uv_fs_t (libuv)

Let's take a look at the asynchronous file reading code in libuv, deps/uv/src/unix/fs.c:

/* uv_fs_t is a subclass of uv_req_t. */
struct uv_fs_s {
  uv_fs_type fs_type;
  uv_loop_t* loop;
  uv_fs_cb cb;
  ssize_t result;
  void* ptr;
  const char* path;
  uv_stat_t statbuf;  /* Stores the result of uv_fs_stat() and uv_fs_fstat(). */
#define INIT(subtype)                                                         \
  do {                                                                        \
    req->type = UV_FS;                                                        \
    if (cb != NULL)                                                           \
      uv__req_init(loop, req, UV_FS);                                         \
    req->fs_type = UV_FS_ ## subtype;                                         \
    req->result = 0;                                                          \
    req->ptr = NULL;                                                          \
    req->loop = loop;                                                         \
    req->path = NULL;                                                         \
    req->new_path = NULL;                                                     \
    req->cb = cb;                                                             \
  }                                                                           \
  while (0)

It can be seen that an asynchronous file reading operation is encapsulated in a uv_fs_t structure in the libuv layer, and req->cb is the callback function from the upper layer (the After function in node C++ layer: src/

The main body of the io operation uv__fs_work is executed in the thread pool at this time. However, uv__fs_done must be called back in the thread of the event loop, because this function will eventually call back to the user's js code callback function, and all the code in the js code must be in the same thread.

Thread Pool Request Object —— struct uv__work

First, let's look at the definition of uv__work:

struct uv__work {
  void (*work)(struct uv__work *w);
  void (*done)(struct uv__work *w, int status);
  struct uv_loop_s* loop;
  void* wq[2];

Let's take a look at what uv__work_submit does:

static void post(QUEUE* q) {
  if (idle_threads > 0)

void uv__work_submit(uv_loop_t* loop,
                     struct uv__work* w,
                     void (*work)(struct uv__work* w),
                     void (*done)(struct uv__work* w, int status)) {
  uv_once(&once, init_once);
  w->loop = loop;
  w->work = work;
  w->done = done;

uv__work_submit encapsulates uv__fs_work and uv__fs_done into a uv__work structure, which represents a request for a thread operation. The request is submitted to the thread pool through post.

In the post function, QUEUE_INSERT_TAIL adds the uv__work object to the wq linked list. wq is a global static variable. That is to say, all threads in the process space share the same wq linked list.

When post sends a signal to the corresponding condition variable cond through uv_cond_signal, a thread that is suspended and waiting in uv_cond_wait is activated.

The worker thread continues to execute, takes out w from wq, and executes w->work().

After the worker thread completes the task, it calls uv_async_send to notify the main thread's unified IO observer to execute the callback.



Through the sorting of request objects at each layer, the context of a read request is also detailed, giving readers a rational understanding.


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